What is leadership development?
Management and leadership development relates to all development activity that levels up the knowledge and abilities of managers. This benefits the individual, their team and employees, and the organisation.
These skills can relate to driving engagement, knowledge of development models and frameworks, developing interpersonal and communication skills, and much, much more.
Growth and development is a key engager for individuals at all levels of the organisation, including executive level employees. Executives are in the position they are due to their consistent commitment to development. They understand the importance of development as much as we do.
What are the upsides of effective people development?
Put simply, leadership development initiatives improve your company’s most important resource – its people.
By effectively investing in people you ensure results in both the short and long term. You set your company up for sustainable success by both engaging with your employees and improving their ability to deliver on their business goals.
In light of this, it is particularly surprising that the CIPD Resourcing and Talent Planning survey shows only 40% of employers have initiatives to improve manager’s people skills.

Why leadership development specifically?
Given the importance that executives play in the structure of an organisation, aligning their development and direction across the company is critical. This is especially applicable, and difficult to achieve, in large multi-national organisations.
They are responsible for giving clear direction. In our experience with working with both leaders and teams, it is incredibly common for issues in communication to arise between the layers of organisation. This can create a disengaging work environment that ultimately impacts performance and results.
Korn Ferry have evidenced through their Styles and Climate assessment that the leadership style of a manager has a strong correlation (.76) on the working climate they create. It is this working climate that creates the efficiency and results that organisations strive towards.
How can you get the most out a senior leadership development course?
Our current VUCA world means that now more than ever learning must adapt to be engaging. Nobody wants to be sat on their 5th Zoom call of the day, listening to a PowerPoint lecture trying to focus on any nuggets of information they can use.
Another mistake we see all too often in our industry is the use of cookie-cutter courses. It is always best to design your courses around the organisation’s requirements, rather than fitting their needs around your capabilities.
Our programmes promise to be interactive, engaging, insightful and, most importantly, impactful, with our bespoke programmes tailored to suit your organisations culture and needs.
If you would like to find out more about our Leadership Coaching services please read more or get in contact.